You will find 50 tiny pumpkins scattered around Valhal, Hell's End and Hair Only sims!
Besides EMO-tions of course, many other stores are offering their gifts!
Let's have a look!
Pumpkins 26 & 8 by EMO-tions - Faith outfit & Rayla hair in naturals
Pumpkins 21 & 27 by EMO-tions - Jolie outfit & Malice hair in black
Pumpkins 9 & 10 by EMO-tions - Lightning Kilt & Freedom II hair in black
Pumpkins 7 & 19 by EMO-tions - Black Risen Coat & Iris hair in dark red
Pumpkin 3 by EMO-tions - Medusa hair in dark red
Pumpkin 6 by EMO-tions - Carlotta hair in blonde + Pumpkin by Needful Things (number unknown atm, please come back to check it out) - Shoulder Witch Mouse + Nature Knit Muffler
Pumpkin by Nirvana (number unknown atm, please come back to check it out) - Gabriela outfit

Pumpkin by Razorblade Jacket - Grunge capri w/ lace plain violet + Drunk Guy Costume + WTF Zombie Tank

EMO-tions is giving also some sexy silks for very mean girls (not shown or we will be censured!), and many items from other beautiful stores are available.
Thank you very much Mirja and the other designers that were kind enough to allow us to show their prize!
UPDATE: Here's the full list of the participating stores!
house of rfyre
metal gear
raw ink
mias gems
endless pain tattoos
needful things
razorblade jacket
ali couture
MH design
Hint: each store hides its own prize in its stall, EMO-tions's ones are in the stores and scattered all over the sims.
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